Finding My Higher Self

Brooks Park
2 min readAug 29, 2020
Image by GDJ from Pixabay

Cannabis meditation allows me to be an objective observer of my mind and body.

I so often identify with the bio-self and habitual way of being… all the while detaching from my true, Higher-Self.

Image by Geralt from Pixabay

Cannabis relaxes my rigid adherence to established narratives, facilitating my ability to discern objectively; analyze the complexity of a situation; and to respond with freedom, rather than habit.

An authority figure lording over me is unnecessary to live; it is only necessary to continue authority. All I have to do is disengage, from my bio-self and habitual way of being, through pleasure.

Image by Kellepics from Pixabay

Through pleasure liberation occurs. Through two, One occurs. Through One, two occurs.

Then we are free to be ourselves, and become who we have the potential of being. We are no longer inhibited and restrained by cultural indoctrination. We have liberated ourselves and become self-directed. As two we become One in order to be two parts of One.



Brooks Park

Mystical Hedonist; Drug Geek; Psychonaut. Prone to irreverent social commentary.