Human Nature

Brooks Park
3 min readOct 22, 2020

Biologically, a human is a social animal and primate. Advanced tool use, executive brain functionality, and social structures aid our flourishing. As primates we share common ancestry with chimpanzees and bonobos; our closest related primate cousins (with whom we share 98% of our genetic makeup). At some point between 13 and 4 million years ago the human path of evolution split from early hominid primates. Until the agricultural revolution during the Neolithic era, proto-humans maintained a hunter gathering way of being. In evolutionary terms, 10,000 years is a flash of the eye, even for a transformation resulting from evolutionary adaptation. In most ways, despite some mind- boggling advancements in technology, today’s human processor (the brain) continues to process information according to what is most advantageous for a hunting-gathering way of being; functioning and responding as our hunting gathering ancestors did.

Our world’s rapid progression and constantly shifting environments make it difficult to adapt and transform. We are literally advancing socially and technologically faster than it is possible to evolve.

Our biological form develops strategies for staying alive, reproducing and flourishing. We have evolved to seek pleasure while escaping pain or discomfort. This is because those things which assist us to stay alive, reproduce, and flourish feel good; food, sex, and comfort.

Watching our favorite movie, reading a book, our favorite comforter on a rainy day all are little pleasures in life. I mean, come on, it says…



Brooks Park

Mystical Hedonist; Drug Geek; Psychonaut. Prone to irreverent social commentary.