Sex Is Sacred

Brooks Park
4 min readJun 19, 2022

Returning balance to our existence will require reversing the widespread disconnection, psychological distress, lack of personal fulfillment, and spiritual deficiency suffered by the civilized world. Without these alterations in our ways of being, we are doomed to self-destruction. The trajectory our species currently travels generates a dismal prediction. Rather than arriving at the pinnacle of our potential, we face a future of massive social disruption, a decimated biosphere, and ultimately our extinction. Our turn would be over and, hopefully, another species would prosper and advance sustainably. Survival of our species depends on rapidly adapting to sustainable ways of living, as well as positive social cohesion. To achieve the pinnacle of our potential as individuals and as a species, we must adapt to more natural ways of being: we must recognize sex as natural, prominent, and sacred — ts utility is far from mere reproduction, it’s pleasure is release and an enhanced state of consciousness; pleasure its self is natural and should be preferred — we evolved to seek pleasure (it is associated with life-affirming elements of Existence) and escape or avoid pain (it is associated with life-threatening aspects of Existence). Denying our preference for pleasure has eroded meaning…as we toil toward happiness only to discover we are toiling to perpetuate a worldview which serves merely to manipulate populations into sacrificing time, motivation, energy, talent, ambition, health, and psycho-spiritual well-being to provide for those who design and occupy systems of control — the internalization of the puritan work…



Brooks Park

Mystical Hedonist; Drug Geek; Psychonaut. Prone to irreverent social commentary.