The Cosmic Creampie

Brooks Park
10 min readAug 25, 2021
Photo by Bibel Raj Shresta

Sex should be venerated as an act of pleasurable unification; a merger of bodily form which manifests spiritual power. Rather than symbolic consumption of the flesh, the taste of sexual arousal is an actual Eucharist. Communion is not the veneration of symbols, but the active mingling of form and experience. Sacrament is not the flesh of a god who presumes to delivers us from an imposed curse of sin, but the living flesh of another passion propelled person; someone who journeys with us in a interactive unification of flesh, mind, and Divinity. It is not with metaphoric ritual, but with aroused senses, that practitioners of sacred sexuality achieve mystical experiences. This is not an exercise of spiritual masturbation, but of unification of the senses, a joining of bodies and energies for the purpose of accessing Inner Divinity.

No force is as driving in its demand as the libido; our sexual fulfillment is not dismissed quietly; our sexual energies propel us with impulses prodding our behavior.

Photo by Neelam Sundaram from Unsplash

Experiences of pleasurable sensation, prolonged and heightened, elevate our Inner Divinity. A focus on experience absent narrative transports the mind to a place of pure experience: a place of pure energy and formless being…



Brooks Park

Mystical Hedonist; Drug Geek; Psychonaut. Prone to irreverent social commentary.